Cabinet Refinishing

If cabinet replacement and cabinet refacing both seem too daunting or expensive for your personal needs, cabinet refinishing or resurfacing can be a great economical and worry-free option. The primary goal of resurfacing your cabinets is to give the different rooms in your house a little face life, while keeping the same structure and functionality. During the resurfacing process, we basically just replace the “skin” of the cabinets with a new veneer over the already existing cabinets. This service gives you the same eye-catching benefits of cabinet replacement, but at a fraction of the cost. Go ahead and call us to find out how much you can save on cabinet refinishing or resurfacing!

How to Decide If You Should Refinish Your Existing Cabinetry or Resurface It?

Inspect the interior of your cabinets for signs of structural damage, if you notice any rot, water damage, cracked panels, or loose joints, your cabinets most likely need complete replacing. Make sure that the area around and under the sink is still solid, and not warped or sagging.
Check that the upper cabinets are securely hanging from the walls and are solidly stuck together. If they are separating from the wall or from each other, this is a sign that they need to be replaced.
Make sure that each drawer opens and closes smoothly on its track (with drawer slides firmly attached). You should be able to slide it fully open and closed. Check that the corner joints are tight and that the bottoms of the drawers are not cracked or sagging.

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